Caution, not exactly appropriate:
So I can't say who said this or whatever but this made me laugh really hard and so I decided to share it with you guys. To give you some context someone had wronged someone else and these two people were talking about revenge.
Thing 1: "What are you going to do to him?"
Thing 2: "BDSM but without the sex."
Have a great day!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Joseph Ramses Raymond Pep Talks
How Joseph Ramses Raymond pep talks his friends: "You should ask her out. If she says no, you're right where you already are, nothing lost. If she says yes, think of all the fun things you can do together. Plus you can fight. Fights are fun. If it's real bad you can tell her she wouldn't be a good mother. That's always a zinger. Now go say hey, champ!"
What a guy!
What a guy!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Great Story - Officer Mook & His New Sons
So I started my day today by not sleeping, an unfortunately common occurrence, and while I was laying here awake in bed I stumbled upon this story about a police officer. Officer Mook was a 20+ year member of the force, a bachelor, and a boxer. He volunteered his time to teach boxing to underprivileged boys on the street. While he was doing that he met these two kids, brothers, who were in the foster system. He cared enough about them that when they didn't show up to class for a little while he went out to look for them, found them, and found out that they were being badly abused. Unlike most of us who would have done the ethical minimum and call child services this man took these boys in that day. He later adopted them and one can only imagine how great of a role model he has been for these boys. To watch the video click here.
Monday, October 27, 2014
I Love Mondays
I love mondays. I love waking up in the morning feeling like I have to rush to a bomb shelter but instead just having my parade rained on by my shower head. I love the feeling of nausea I get from quickly taking my morning pills before my head feels ready to be tilted. I love going to school and struggling to stay awake in my classes. I love how everyone is so alert and on point. I love how there is always that one chipper person who's voice cuts through me like a siberian wind. I love the teachers who open class asking about everyone's weekend so that people can give their accounts or lie. I love, I really do, I love realizing that over the weekend I have managed to lose pretty much all of my possessions except for the ones that I am not thinking about right now. I love watching people act the fool in the hall between classes. I love sarcasm.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
I Challenge You! pt. 1
I challenge you today to be clever. People like cleverness and being clever is fun. It makes life more interesting and encourages thinking. Be clever today.
"If I told you there was supposed to be a season between summer and winter would you fall for it?" - Noah Fried
"If I told you there was supposed to be a season between summer and winter would you fall for it?" - Noah Fried
Friday, October 24, 2014
Real People Struggle pt. 1
Real people struggle. Real people struggle with reality and the crushing pain that reality brings. Real people struggle with knowing that there is no way to know everything. Real people, well real people struggle with themselves. Society will say one thing, someone will say something else; then people are left to struggle with discerning what is true. What is true?
Sunday, October 19, 2014
We Live In An Age Of Information, But Not Intelligence
We live in an age of information, but not intelligence; where speed means more than diligence. Do this, get that, eat this, get fat. We wonder why the world is the way that it is and it's because our obsession with doing things faster and "better" has stolen the meaning of dedication and we have replaced honor with fame. We care more if people remember our name than if they live or die.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
I Understand
Often in times of turmoil people get confused. They yell to the heavens, "I don't understand!" They claim that they have been wronged and ask why "bad things happen to good people." The answer is thus: Whatever can happen probably will happen at some point of time. Everything that has ever been at some point in time was not and there are things to come that have not yet been imagined. Whether these things are good or bad depends on the definitions of each and whether or not good or bad things happen to someone is dependent on through whose lens a person looks and what they are looking for.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Friendship: pt. 1
There are a lot of different kinds of friendship and the best kind is debatable. My favorite is the friend that you feel like you have known your entire life but in all actuality you haven't even known for a day. The kind of friend that you know has your back for no reason other then you connect. Everything about them is new and interesting and you are new and interesting to them too. A soul friend could be your sole friend and it wouldn't even matter because there is a level of complacency that cannot be matched by any other kind of friend.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Theory of Catching
Often times we act with the best intentions but our results couldn't have been worse had we tried. In fact, there are times in which not doing anything is better then doing something but do we? No! It is not in our nature as people to just let things be we feel the need to make everything "better" if that is expressed by "The White Man's Burden", "The Communist Manifesto", or any other idea in which we are expecting ourselves to intercede on the behalf of someone who we consider to be lacking can be equally shown as our need to try to catch things as they fall, pick up broken pieces or really anything else caused by what we think is "chaos".
This morning I watched as my towel fell to the floor of my bathroom. A normal phenomena to be sure except for one thing, my shaving mirror was sitting upon it. I know, I can hear all of you as your minds scatter to attempt to save the mirror with your minds but it wasn't needed. I myself just watched as the towel hit the ground and my mirror rolled off of it gently to the ground and no damage came to either one. Right now you are all thinking that this is an anomaly or a miracle but please just think about all the times that you have tried to catch something and ended up batting it away and causing probably more damage than if it had just been allowed to fall. The amounts of cell phone screens, glass cups, sunglasses, and other small fragile objects that have been launched at the hand of a well intentioned person is probably higher then the number of "miracles" like mine simply because there are far more attempts to save then there are people willing to just let whatever it is fall. That doesn't mean be careless and never try to catch anything it just means that you need to only try to catch what you are sure you can, not the things that will make you feel bionic if you actually manage to touch.
This "Theory of Catching" can also be directly correlated with how we should treat people. If we know we can catch them we should, but sometimes we just have to watch as they fall. I know that I have tried to catch people who didn't want to be caught and in the end I do more harm then good in those kinds of situations. We all think that we can help but when we really think about it we know that some situations are outside of our control and we just need to accept that and move on. Nothing is worse then investing in someone who doesn't want it and falling alongside them. It can't be avoided, if someone you place yourself close to falls you will fall too, perhaps just not as much. It's like we are all on a bed sheet, when one part depresses the whole area near that part is forced into a depression as well, the farther away the shallower the depression. Sometimes the sheet needs to tear and we need to just let the person depress their self; so that we can stay where we are. Just because we are acting with our best intentions doesn't mean that we are really doing anything helpful; we can't help them all so sometimes we should just watch as they fall.
This morning I watched as my towel fell to the floor of my bathroom. A normal phenomena to be sure except for one thing, my shaving mirror was sitting upon it. I know, I can hear all of you as your minds scatter to attempt to save the mirror with your minds but it wasn't needed. I myself just watched as the towel hit the ground and my mirror rolled off of it gently to the ground and no damage came to either one. Right now you are all thinking that this is an anomaly or a miracle but please just think about all the times that you have tried to catch something and ended up batting it away and causing probably more damage than if it had just been allowed to fall. The amounts of cell phone screens, glass cups, sunglasses, and other small fragile objects that have been launched at the hand of a well intentioned person is probably higher then the number of "miracles" like mine simply because there are far more attempts to save then there are people willing to just let whatever it is fall. That doesn't mean be careless and never try to catch anything it just means that you need to only try to catch what you are sure you can, not the things that will make you feel bionic if you actually manage to touch.
This "Theory of Catching" can also be directly correlated with how we should treat people. If we know we can catch them we should, but sometimes we just have to watch as they fall. I know that I have tried to catch people who didn't want to be caught and in the end I do more harm then good in those kinds of situations. We all think that we can help but when we really think about it we know that some situations are outside of our control and we just need to accept that and move on. Nothing is worse then investing in someone who doesn't want it and falling alongside them. It can't be avoided, if someone you place yourself close to falls you will fall too, perhaps just not as much. It's like we are all on a bed sheet, when one part depresses the whole area near that part is forced into a depression as well, the farther away the shallower the depression. Sometimes the sheet needs to tear and we need to just let the person depress their self; so that we can stay where we are. Just because we are acting with our best intentions doesn't mean that we are really doing anything helpful; we can't help them all so sometimes we should just watch as they fall.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
A Too Real Fictional Quote
Friday, October 10, 2014
The New Prince Of Pop - Vance FITE!
The great city of Atlanta (Georgia) has brought more change and growth in the music world than any other city in the the last century and today is no exception. It brings you the new Prince of Pop, Vance Fite. While a lot of pop music lacks originality and raw talent this man is a new breed. He obviously shows his heritage as an Atlanta boy in the way he sings, writes, and makes your heart melt. His articulate and diverse songs cover a wide spread of subject matter with an almost raspy, melodious, audible goodness that you can't get anywhere else.
Check him out, unless you want to miss out:
YouTube: vanceFITE
Twitter: @vanceFITE
Insta: @vancefite
Thursday, October 9, 2014
I Like To Think That I Like To Think
I like to think that I like to think or at least that's what I think I think. I think I thought not but I think that thought stunk; I think, I don't think, I know why that thought was thought but I think it's not what you thought. I live in a world where real thinking is discouraged and there is a box for everything and everything has it's box. Being a world shaker is punished and breaking the mold is unexpected. Think with me. What do Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, JFK, John Lennon, and Andy Warhol all have in common? Yeah, they were all world shakers, non-conformists, and thinkers but they were also all cut down before their time. Assassinated. Think with me.
Warning About Me
Warning, I flirt, I cry, I sing, and I hate when people lie. I laugh loudly and proudly whether the time is right or not. If you fall and hurt yourself, it's funny. I write all the time and love to tell stories, I talk to everyone and expect to be heard. I hate authority but love being considered it, I am a hugger and a fighter, a lover and guy just trying to make it through. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy depending on how you treat me and my mood. I have a religion but I won't push it on you and once we are friends we stay friends, we've got each other's backs.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Attention Everyone, Public Service Announcement: Stand Up.
Stand up! Get out of your seat and stand up for yourself, someone else, just stand for something. We live in a society where this concept seems to be looked down upon. Question everything. What you need in life you need to take from it, if you don't fight for yourself who will? See wrong, stop it. Notice a problem, solve it. Just because someone has authority doesn't mean you have to back down and take it. Question everything. Man was not made over other man "all men are created equal." Women too, we are all born on the same plane why would we let someone else tell us that we don't matter, or at least don't matter as much as someone else. Stand up. Bullying is a problem because it is ignored, why? Because society is flawed. Question everything. Why do you have to do anything? You should be able to choose to sink or swim on your own, make the good or bad choices you want to when the time comes and hope you make the right one. Just because someone is older then you doesn't make them better, smarter, or stronger in any fashion. When something is wrong, make it right. Question everything. Parents aren't always necessarily right, it just depends. You can be respectful and still question things, still stand strong. Stand up.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
When Love Is In Excess...
"When love is in excess it brings a man no honor nor worthiness." (Euripides, Medea, 431 B.C.)
"The thirst is so real." (Generic American Teen, Urban Dictionary, 2014 A.D.)
When people are trying to hard to get the attention of someone that they are romantically interested in it has never been good. Often times some of the worst offenders will attempt to refer back to the 18th and 19th centuries saying that if they can write love poems and letters then why can't the same be done today. Just because the culture was different and what was considered to be too much has changed doesn't mean that things that were previously allowed are okay now. With each passing day the world society is evolving and the standard for what is permissible is shifting. We have entered an era of sarcasm wherein open emotion is frowned upon. It makes people feel uncomfortable. People don't know how to respond. The act of telling someone that you are interested in them early on is almost as rare as a successful marriage. Being open is discouraged and people that are open are usually shunned. Fast friends, fast chats, fast cars, fast computers; speed is the primary goal of our generation and ultimately our world so why would talking on the phone all night with the bae or writing a love note be encouraged? Those acts and most acts of romance or depth are inefficient and therefore unacceptable.
"The thirst is so real." (Generic American Teen, Urban Dictionary, 2014 A.D.)
When people are trying to hard to get the attention of someone that they are romantically interested in it has never been good. Often times some of the worst offenders will attempt to refer back to the 18th and 19th centuries saying that if they can write love poems and letters then why can't the same be done today. Just because the culture was different and what was considered to be too much has changed doesn't mean that things that were previously allowed are okay now. With each passing day the world society is evolving and the standard for what is permissible is shifting. We have entered an era of sarcasm wherein open emotion is frowned upon. It makes people feel uncomfortable. People don't know how to respond. The act of telling someone that you are interested in them early on is almost as rare as a successful marriage. Being open is discouraged and people that are open are usually shunned. Fast friends, fast chats, fast cars, fast computers; speed is the primary goal of our generation and ultimately our world so why would talking on the phone all night with the bae or writing a love note be encouraged? Those acts and most acts of romance or depth are inefficient and therefore unacceptable.
Monday, October 6, 2014
My New Book
After probably a month of bickering with myself about what poems to include, designing a cover, and approving the first print I finally have my finished publishing my first book. If you would like to buy a copy here's the link:
It's called "Random Words In A Random Order."
It's called "Random Words In A Random Order."
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