"When love is in excess it brings a man no honor nor worthiness." (Euripides, Medea, 431 B.C.)
"The thirst is so real." (Generic American Teen, Urban Dictionary, 2014 A.D.)
When people are trying to hard to get the attention of someone that they are romantically interested in it has never been good. Often times some of the worst offenders will attempt to refer back to the 18th and 19th centuries saying that if they can write love poems and letters then why can't the same be done today. Just because the culture was different and what was considered to be too much has changed doesn't mean that things that were previously allowed are okay now. With each passing day the world society is evolving and the standard for what is permissible is shifting. We have entered an era of sarcasm wherein open emotion is frowned upon. It makes people feel uncomfortable. People don't know how to respond. The act of telling someone that you are interested in them early on is almost as rare as a successful marriage. Being open is discouraged and people that are open are usually shunned. Fast friends, fast chats, fast cars, fast computers; speed is the primary goal of our generation and ultimately our world so why would talking on the phone all night with the bae or writing a love note be encouraged? Those acts and most acts of romance or depth are inefficient and therefore unacceptable.
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