Often times we act with the best intentions but our results couldn't have been worse had we tried. In fact, there are times in which not doing anything is better then doing something but do we? No! It is not in our nature as people to just let things be we feel the need to make everything "better" if that is expressed by "The White Man's Burden", "The Communist Manifesto", or any other idea in which we are expecting ourselves to intercede on the behalf of someone who we consider to be lacking can be equally shown as our need to try to catch things as they fall, pick up broken pieces or really anything else caused by what we think is "chaos".
This morning I watched as my towel fell to the floor of my bathroom. A normal phenomena to be sure except for one thing, my shaving mirror was sitting upon it. I know, I can hear all of you as your minds scatter to attempt to save the mirror with your minds but it wasn't needed. I myself just watched as the towel hit the ground and my mirror rolled off of it gently to the ground and no damage came to either one. Right now you are all thinking that this is an anomaly or a miracle but please just think about all the times that you have tried to catch something and ended up batting it away and causing probably more damage than if it had just been allowed to fall. The amounts of cell phone screens, glass cups, sunglasses, and other small fragile objects that have been launched at the hand of a well intentioned person is probably higher then the number of "miracles" like mine simply because there are far more attempts to save then there are people willing to just let whatever it is fall. That doesn't mean be careless and never try to catch anything it just means that you need to only try to catch what you are sure you can, not the things that will make you feel bionic if you actually manage to touch.
This "Theory of Catching" can also be directly correlated with how we should treat people. If we know we can catch them we should, but sometimes we just have to watch as they fall. I know that I have tried to catch people who didn't want to be caught and in the end I do more harm then good in those kinds of situations. We all think that we can help but when we really think about it we know that some situations are outside of our control and we just need to accept that and move on. Nothing is worse then investing in someone who doesn't want it and falling alongside them. It can't be avoided, if someone you place yourself close to falls you will fall too, perhaps just not as much. It's like we are all on a bed sheet, when one part depresses the whole area near that part is forced into a depression as well, the farther away the shallower the depression. Sometimes the sheet needs to tear and we need to just let the person depress their self; so that we can stay where we are. Just because we are acting with our best intentions doesn't mean that we are really doing anything helpful; we can't help them all so sometimes we should just watch as they fall.
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